Welcome to LifeGem Online !  First Time User Setup

Here you can do many fun and interesting things.  Track your LifeGem diamond(s) as they pass through each phase and near completion, or write your story. 

We have met so many wonderful people and heard so many amazing stories, that we decided to create a forum where our clients can share their stories with the world.  Thousands visit LifeGem.com weekly… let your story live on.  Celebrate your loved one’s life and let others be touched by hearing their story.

To get started, simply enter your order ID and the temporary password issued in your Order Activation Letter Please call 866-LIFEGEM if you have not yet received this letter.

If you have already created a username and password, click here.


  Order ID (or Temp. Logon ID:)  

  You're currently being tracked by your IP Address:  

866-LIFEGEM (866-543-3436)       836 Arlington Heights Rd. #311       Elk Grove Village, IL  60007